Text of the raport
The Management Board of Inter Cars S.A. (“Company”) reports that on November 29th 2012 the Company received notifications from a member of the Company’s Management Board and a member of the Company’s Supervisory Board, who are also members of the management or supervisory bodies of FLOJERO LIMITED (“FLOJERO”), to the effect that on November 27th 2012 FLOJERO entered into an agreement whereby it sold 200,000 Company shares outside the regulated market at a price of PLN 83.50 per share, that is for a total price of PLN 16,700,000.00.

Legal basis Art. 160.4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments

Persons representing the company

  • Krzysztof Soszyński - Vice-President of the Management Board
  • Piotr Kraska - Member of the Management Board

