Inter Cars - winner of Special Prize of Minister of State Treasury.
On 4 June during 6th Congress of Investor Relations of Listed Companies SEG a ceremony of granting statuettes to winners of the competition "Golden Website of Issuer VII" took place.
Already for the third time a special award from the Ministry of State Treasury has been awarded in the contest, for the best communication with individual investors performed over the web-page - this year the award was given to Inter Cars SA.
The winners of 7th edition of Golden Website of Listed Companies are:
- AZOTY Group SA (Category: companies belonging to WIG20 and mWIG40)
- PELION SA (category: listed companies belonging to sWIG80)
- K2 INTERNET SA (category: companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange non-WIG20, mWIG40, sWIG80)
- LUG SA (category: listed companies listed on alternative NewConnect market)
- SERINUS ENERGY INC (category: foreign companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, including the NewConnect market)
Moreover PEKAO BANK was honoured with a special award of WSE Media regarding IR using modern methods of Internet communication.
The patronage of 7th edition of the Contest was taken by the Ministry of the Exchequer, within the program called Public Shareholder.
About the competition
The aim of organised by the Association of Listed Companies competition called "Golden Website of Listed Companies" is to promote new corporate communication trends on-line. 7th edition of the competition was launched in June 2013. After announcing the criteria, the issuers had a period of more than 3 months for implementing changes and modifications on their web pages. During the 1st stage websites of all companies listed on Warsaw Stock Exchange (including the NewConnect market) were assessed following several dozen of contest criteria. The second stage included 70 companies, which web pages have been analysed by 30 jurors regarding 9 criteria such as: clarity of message; information content; communication with investors; innovation of communication; intuitive navigation, ergonomics, compliance with navigation rules; technologies used; aesthetics; opinion of individual investors, institutional investors and foreign investors. In the final 3rd stage the contest jury have chosen one winner in each segment from among 15 nominees. For the past three years a special award of the Ministry of Exchequer is granted for the best communication with individual investors.