In 2015 Inter Cars Company is celebrating its 25th anniversary of establishment.  That is why the annual Conference of Investor Relations was this time much more solemn.  Late in the evening, on Monday 22 June, in Hilton Hotel in Warsaw, we could see the last rehearsals of the event which was to take place the day after.  

The leading players were the hosts of the conference:  Robert Kierzek – President of the Board of Inter Cars, Krzysztof Soszyński – Vice-President of the Board and Piotr Zamora – Chief Financial Officer. Gentlemen are really snowed under.  They are correcting something in the screenplay all the time and discussing with realizers about the order of slides during the conference.  It is hard to draw them away from work, but finally everyone needs to sit down for a while and rest.  I take advantage of this moment and ask them for a short interview. 
Grzegorz Brudnik: Shall we talk for a while?
Krzysztof Soszyński: Sure. At the moment one of the films needs to be rebuilt. 
Robert Kierzek: So we have about 10 minutes. 
Piotr Zamora: Let's talk, let's talk. There is very little time. 
GB: 25 years is a hell of a time and in that time surely some things have changed in Inter Cars.  What has changed?  What values stood the test of time? 
PZ: First of all, looking for new solutions.  This does not change in Inter Cars.  We are professionals and during work we have learned not to stick to our ideas.  Like every, even the most revolutionary idea, at the moment of being implemented seems to already be out-of-date.  Of course they are good ideas, but their realization always lasts some time, and in that time we are not just waiting and doing nothing. 
RK: Everything started from passion, involvement and partnership.  Without that it would not be possible to build Inter Cars.  Everybody gathered around the company were pulling it forward with equal involvement.  I cannot imagine companies where there is a dictatorial style of management, where a whip is the main stimulator, not free idea exchange.  Without passion of employees, nothing can be done. 
KS: And of course entrepreneurship. We truly put ideas first.  The company puts internal dialogue first.  Everyone with an interesting idea can make it come true within the structure. 
PZ: And thanks to this the work is so interesting.  Because we are always doing something new.  If you have a team constantly generating new ideas, you can implement solutions that you, yourself might never be able to find. 
GB: What is in those spare parts, which you decided to dedicate your whole professional life to them? 
KS: In parts? Nothing. It is rather about the motorization as a whole.  Besides, in my case working in the automotive industry is almost a family tradition.  My dad has a servicing garage till today.  This is already 30 years. And, of course, I was working there.  After that in a company dealing distribution of petrochemical products and parts - also a family one.  And the engineering studies I have also chosen not by mistake.  I remember that everything that was moving, every machine, was always causing my enthusiasm. 
RK: And in my case it was totally different.  Nobody in my family has ever been a motorization fan. We did not even have a car, and to go around the surrounding area I was just using a bicycle.  But just like Krzysztof, I always knew that I will associate my future with the automotive industry.  Maybe this decision was influenced by a TV series "Czterej pancerni i pies".  On our playground everyone wanted to be Janek Kos, or maybe Gustlik.  Everyone wanted to drive a tank.  We had so much fun around this topic.  Later there was an automotive technical high school, studies and technical institute in Krakow, college of Cars and Tractors, and later work for Inter Cars, though at the beginning it was more connected with trade than with anything else.  But thanks to this it is easier for me to understand the needs of our employees, customers and the whole environment in total. 
Source: forbes. pl 