A three-day-training (1-3 April) for customers from passenger cars market and truck market inaugurated business activities of the new training centre of Inter Cars SA.
The premisses located at 27 Gdańska street in Cząstków Polski are not only over 200 sq.m. area of lecture rooms, but also impressive, fully equipped garage, where practical trainings shall take place – for passenger cars market, as well as for truck market.
The garage can host a truck tractor with a semi-trailer or a flexible bus. Pits are equipped with the most modern devices. There are also training cars (HGV and passenger car) available for participants.
We are able to generate any malfunction on these cars which might later be found in a real work of a mechanic.- explains Maciej Bobrowski, manager of Technical Training Department of Inter Cars SA.. - Next, we show how to deal with the problem, diagnose and repair it. By this our training opportunities are practically unlimited.
The training lasts for several days, so it is worth coming even a long distance to take part in them - moreover there is a well developed hotel base in the area and Modlin Airport. The centre is located next to the S7 road, just 20 km away from Warsaw towards Gdansk.
More about Inter Cars training offer to be found at www.szkolenia.intercars.com.pl
Source: Modern Garage