“Rzeczpospolita” daily newspaper, for 16th time now has published a list of Top 500 companies.

Inter Cars SA. this year was at 87th place in the rank. The creators of Top 500 list were analysing the following information:

Place in 2013 Place in 2012 Name of entity Legal form PKD
87 110 Inter Cars SA, WARSAW 400 2932



Sales revenue in PLN thousands Change in sales revenue in PLN thousands Share of export in sales Total income (in PLN thousand) Operating profit (PLN ‘000)
3.516.427 17,09 no data 3.520.071 201.291



Gross profit (PLN ‘000) Income tax (PLN ‘000) Net profit (PLN ‘000) EEBITDA (PLN ‘000) Investments (PLN ‘000)
173.089 25.252 147.837 239.493 43.124



Average employment Gross remuneration (PLN ‘000) Gross profitability (in percent) Cash flow (in percent) ROA (in percent) No.
no data no data 4,92 1,57 8,70 87


The TOP 500 list is the rank of the biggest 500 Polish companies classified by sales revenues.

source: www.rp.pl
