The operations of Inter Cars SA. were appreciated by the Forbes, prestigious monthly magazine of economics.  The company was included in the group of the most dynamically developing Polish companies and was listed among the winners of Forbes Diamonds 2015 rank. 

In the year 2015, the list of Forbes Diamonds included over 1.7k companies, in Mazowieckie Voivodeship the list included 373 companies. Thanks to the results recorded by Inter Cars, the company was listed on 33rd place in regional rank and on 135th place in general national classification (companies with sales revenue of more than PLN250m). 
The methodology of valuation of a business and measurement of the increase in its value was developed by the analysts of Bisnode Poland in cooperation with the editorial office.  Used information came from official announcements passed by the companies in compliance with Polish law in force.  The list of Diamonds included the companies which recorded the biggest average annual increase in value.  They were assessed on the basis of financial reports passed to the National Court Register. 
Source: motofocus. pl