On 4-5 June in Jachranka, during the sixth meeting of IRs of listed companies, participants discussed, among other things, about: impact of communication with the investor on pricing of company, measuring efficiency of investor relations, assessment of trust on capital market, reliability of financial data in the context of information policy, receivers of investor relations and their needs.
Topics such as: impact of communication with the investor on pricing of company, measuring efficiency of investor relations, assessment of trust on capital market, were discussed on the first day of the Congress.
Information provided by the issuers is an important criterion for assessing their reliability. An analysis of investor relations carried out by Mazars checked if the reliability of information provided by the issuers translate into investment attractiveness. We found that credible information policy may affect implementation of higher return rates and reduce investment risk. The market also assesses reliability of data from the perspective of adopted and consistently realized information policy. This policy should not be limited to passive contact with the market, i.e. publishing only reports that are required by law or updating information on the website. Market participants would like to receive useful and complete information, not only positive and optimistic, but also those, which indicate a potential hazard or risk- she said Monika Kaczorek, Partner, Mazars Audit.
Participants also discussed about recipients of investor relations and their needs from the perspective of an individual, institutional and foreign investor as well as analyst. The first day of Congress was finished with a discussion on the methods of measuring efficiency of investor relations. (...)
Special Prize of the Minister of State Treasury for the best communication with individual investors performed via web page received Inter Cars SA.
source: www.gpwmedia.pl