“Young HR” is a programme created by Inter Cars S.A. with support of its Suppliers, which is aimed to cooperate with the schools, by e.g. equipping them with the most modern diagnostic and repair devices for automotive industry. It also delivers technical knowledge which is so needed in schooling future human resources.

Our programme is also a “professional springboard”, which helps young people to get a better start in their professional life. The programme supports knowledge contests, and internships for the best students. Young HR programme is meant to deliver technical knowledge to students and teachers globally.

The programme includes:

  • Equipping schools with modern devices used for repairs and diagnostics of malfunctions in cars,
  • Delivering necessary knowledge for the process of schooling future industry employees and making an easier start for the young people by making the two worlds closer to each other (entrepreneurs and education),
  • Organizing knowledge Olympics,
  • Organizing practises and internships for the best students,
  • Within the first edition of the programme, five training centres were be launched in Poland

I Edition
In 2012 within “Young HR” programme cooperation with 5 schools in Poland was started. Each of them got modern garage equipment and tools, FSA 740 diagnostic devices and Bosch A/C diagnostics devices as the part of the programme. During this summer holidays we also organized a series of trainings and workshops for teachers from those schools. Trainings performed during summer holidays made it possible for the teachers to absorb the knowledge carefully and without any haste.

In September it was time to pay more attention to the youth. Together with teachers and trainers of partner companies we developed a training programme which was connected with construction of modern engines, diagnostics and principles of work of modern engines used in current vehicles. Each cooperating school had 10 meetings within the cycle. The meetings were led by professional technical trainers, who train garage workers on a daily basis.

Discussed topics will make it possible for young people to gain technical knowledge of construction of modern engines. The trainings are made as additional classes and are aimed for those youngsters who wish to spend their free time on broadening their technical knowledge, which will be useful for them later on in their lives.

Till now 200 pupils took part in the trainings in 5 locations. The cycle of trainings will be finished till the end of April 2013.

II Edition
At the beginning of 2013 the second edition of Young HR was launched. The organizers planned to start cooperation with at least 5 new schools. Till now inauguration of the programme has taken place in Practical Training Centre in Częstochowa (on 7th February) and in Białystok (on 19th March). Both events were really successful and showed huge interest with the programme from local authorities, school management and suppliers. This proves that the programme is treated really seriously and hits the needs of Polish schooling system and automotive industry as well. On 9th April new Practical Training Centre in Nowy Sącz was inaugurated.

Another school in Young HR programme

On 28  th May another school joined Young HR programme. This time it was Practical Training Centre in Siedlce.

PTC Siedlce cares for the students to be able to learn on best possible equipment. That is why the school decided to start cooperation with Inter Cars, noticing great advantages.

The ceremony of signing a cooperation contract was visited not only by school authorities and representatives of Inter Cars S.A., but also local town hall representatives, responsible for education in the region and representatives of the school inspectorate.

Członek Zarządu Inter Cars SA, Witold Kmieciak oraz Dyrektor CKP w Siedlcach, Bożena Wyrębiak podpisują umowę o wzajemnej współpracy.jpg

Witold Kmieciak, Member of Management Board of Inter Cars S.A. and Bożena Wyrębiak, Head Teacher of PTC in Siedlce, signing a cooperation contract.

All of them emphasised the demand for such programmes, which deliver the most modern equipment combined with practical knowledge for school teachers and for pupils. Thanks to this young people, beginning their work life, will be well prepared to real conditions and expectations of the market.

Inter Cars: Young HR 2014

The third edition of Young HR program will be joined by another 5 schools.

The program will be joined by schools from Bydgoszcz, Krakow, Radom, Słupsk and one school from the South of Poland. Organizers of Young HR program take into consideration several factors when choosing the schools to join the program:

  • Region of Poland
  • Achievements, successes and involvement of the schools in different kinds of contests
  • The size of the school

Strategic partners of the event are:

  • Bosch
  • Castrol
  • Schaeffler group

As supporting partners, the following companies joined the program:

  • Contitech
  • SKF

Thanks to this the students can have access to wider selection of trainings, and the teachers will get to know the real problems, that mechanics have to face in their everyday work, and thanks to this they will be able to verify their teaching methods.
In 2014 the first students taking part in Young HR program will leave their schools, that is why the organizers of the program want to keep in touch with them using social media. Thanks to this we will be able to check very quickly if our graduates took up work in automotive industry and use in practice what they had leaned thanks to our program.

“Young HR” programme in Krakow

During an Open Day in Mechanical School no 1 in Krakow (on 10th April 2014) there was a solemn opening of a Regional Training Centre and at the same time an inauguration of the third edition of “Young HR” programme, by which Inter Cars SA together with partners of the programme support the education process of Polish youth who are to work in automotive industry in the future.

Cooperation declaration was signed between the School no 1 and Inter Cars SA during the meeting in Krakow.

Representatives of local authorities, teacher trade unions, teachers, parents and pupils of 3rd classes of technical school for mechanics took part in the celebration.

There also had to be the representatives of programme partners, that is: Robert Bosch sp. z o.o., Castrol, ContiTech Polska, Mahle Polska sp. z o.o., NTN-SNR Polska sp. z o.o., Schaeffler Polska sp. z o.o. and SKF Polska SA. Within the Young HR programme we are supplying the automotive schools with most modern equipment for diagnosing and repairing, as well as perform professional trainings for the youth and courses for the teachers.

When choosing the schools to participate in the programme we are looking at their current achievements and their role in local structures of vocational education.

The official part of the meeting took place with the use of audio-visual aids, and other devices were in the hall not by chance, but on purpose (photo: e-autonaprawa.pl).

Not only the speeches of dignified guests made an impression on the visitors, but also practical presents for school technical training rooms (photo: e-autonaprawa.pl).

Declaration of cooperation was signed by the Head teacher of the School no 1, Ms Bożena Barbara Mayer-Gawron and the Member of the Management Board of Inter Cars SA., Mr Witold Kmieciak (photo: e-autonaprawy.pl).

New Regional Training Centre of “Young HR” programme

A new Regional Training Centre in Krakow has been opened within “Young HR” programme.

This is the first centre opened this year, but during the past two years of the programme, 10 training centres in vocational automotive schools have been opened all over Poland. On 28th April 2014 new centre in Bydgoszcz is being opened.

“Young HR” programme is meant for pupils of automotive schools. Within the programme the pupils take part in it in the form of additional lessons. Each school receives garage equipment worth PLN 100 thousand within the programme, plus training package worth PLN 30 thousand. and next, every year the school receives a training package worth PLN 30 to 50 thousand.
mlode kadry 17-04.jpg

Thanks to this the students have access to the most modern knowledge, because the trainings in schools participating in the programme are led by the same trainers, who lead the trainings for our mechanics, and who gain knowledge directly from manufacturers of automotive spare parts. The partners of the program established and branded by Inter Cars SA are: Bosch Castrol, Continental, Contitech, Osram, NGK, Denso and Mahle.

During the opening ceremony, the representatives of companies taking part in the programme, stressed that from their side this is not any form of charity, but it is a well calculated business activity – on the one hand they are promoting their products, and on the other hand they are increasing the level of knowledge of students graduating schools, and thanks to this less will be spent later on teaching them the practical side of work.

Some of the companies tried to introduce similar initiatives before, but for a single company, even a big one, the cost of such program and additional duties resulting from it turned out to be too big to bear. An example can be the initiative of Bosch company, which cooperated with Mechanical School in Krakow in the past.

Maciej Bobrowski, coordinator of “Young HR” programme, at the opening ceremony stressed the fact that garage owners and owners of companies understood that they need to invest in the knowledge by training their employees and preparing special documentation, but also by investing in suitable preparation of prospective workers.

Automotive schools show big interest in the programme. 40 schools applied to take part in the programme, but currently the organizers are able to take up cooperation only with 5 schools yearly. The school in Krakow is the first one in the third edition of the programme. Head teacher of the school in Krakow, Ms Bożena Mayer-Gawron and Witold Kmieciak, Member of the Board of Inter Cars SA. signed a contract of cooperation.

Especially for Motofaktor.pl:

maciej bobrowski.jpg Maciej Bobrowski, Inter Cars

“Students leaving schools have great knowledge about old and outdated solutions – used in Fiats 126 and Polonez cars. They are really very good in that area, but such cars do not get to garages to be repaired. The programme is to help pupils eliminate the gap between a Small Fiat and a modern car.

For years cars undergone a revolution – from quite simple ones to very sophisticated constructions used nowadays. In order to be able to repair the cars, the garages need to change as well. In the past a garage looked more like a blacksmith’s than like a modern garage, that we can see now.”


Jacek Dziadkowiec.jpg Jacek Dziadkowiec, NTN-SNR

“Unfortunately the most of technical schools are not ready for teaching about the most modern technologies of current motorization. This is of course not a result of anyone’s bad will, but it results from too small funds, which cause that teachers have no materials, tools and sometimes even theoretical support. It is good that such programme as “Young HR” exists and can help in educating young specialists.

At the same time “Young HR” is a great place for me for building brand awareness of NTN-SNR among young generation. Our company is well known by mechanics specializing in French cars, but specialists in German ones do not know us so well, although we are a leading supplier of parts for the first assembly for German carmakers. School is a great place, as I do not have to fight against any stereotypes and bad habits, which are seen on a daily basis on the market.”


Barbara Tadyniewicz.jpg Barbara Tadyniewicz, Mahle

Right now it is hard to assess the practical results of the programme, as it is only the third edition, so pupils having a chance of participating in it will be graduating their schools for the first time this year and get to the market. Nevertheless, we hope that our contact with pupils, on the one hand gives them a better platform for gaining knowledge about modern technologies, and on the other hand, that this will make them know our products better and use them more often in the future. Some of them can later start working in our production plants and than it will be also much easier to adapt them to particular work.

Another participant of "Young HR" programme

1404205186.jpg Zespół Szkół Samochodowych w Radomiu jest trzynastą placówką, która przystąpiła do zainicjowanego przez spółkę Inter Cars programu "Młode Kadry".

Automotive Schools Complex in Radom is thirteenth school which joined Inter Cars program "Young HR".

Within the programme, the school in Radom received modern equipment worth PLN 100,000 and a training package worth PLN 30,000. The same package is given to each school that chooses to join the "Young HR".

The Program "Young HR" is run by Inter Cars company and its business partners: Bosch, Castrol, Luk Ina Fag, ContiTech, Mahle, NTN SNR, OSRAM and SKF. The idea is to support education projects in the automotive area and making it easier for young people to start their professional life.

The ceremony of joining the Schools Complex in Radom to the "Young HR" programme took place on 27 June. Still this year another two schools shall join the initiative.

All details of the programme can be found at:  www.mlodekadry.intercars.com.pl.


Companies interested in starting cooperation please contact: We cooperate with:

Maciej Bobrowski
Technical Knowledge Programme Manager
Inter Cars SA Arkuszowa 46 Warsaw
tel.png  669 900 761  maciej.bobrowski@intercars.eu

Strategic partners of the programme:
Bosch, Castrol

Supporting partners of the programme:
ContiTech, Denso, Luk Ina Fag, Mahle, NGK, Osram

Programme patronage:
Auto Moto Serwis, Świat Motoryzacji, Wiadomości IC

